Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pencil Shading - Drawing a portrait

In this post I am gonna describe how I made a portrait of a cute little girl (her name is Munni). I have a serious problem in drawing hair. I don't know how to draw it. I can say 'this is my first serious attempt'. Some times I even avoided drawing which involves drawing hair [:P]
Anyways, the topic is not on drawing hair, I will post one when I learn the technique or create my own one.

I always draw on rough side of the sheet if I am making a pencil sketch or painting something. The basic outline of the portrait should be drawn very lightly on the sheet. Don't make a dark sketch at the first go. After I am done with the outline it looked like this.
I know you are going to kill me now. I will take the pictures with my camera and not with my mobile from next time. Except the details, everything else should be planned while drawing the outline itself. Beautiful eyes always brings life in the picture. Draw eyes carefully (see my post on how to draw eyes).
Next comes shading and smudging. Imagine light coming from one direction while shading the picture. Say, if the light is falling from right, left outlines should be shaded darker than the right ones. Once the shading is done, take a small clean paper, fold it in triangular shape and some extra paper to hold (The sharp edges of the paper helps to smudge smaller areas of the picture).
Though I have managed to draw the girl's picture it didn't really match her original beauty.