Friday, October 23, 2009

Learn to draw Donald Duck's face

Hi guys, hope you are all doing well. I am going to publish 2 posts today; both are on Donald Duck. In this post let us see how to draw Donald Duck's face. Legend - Walt Disney created Donald Duck's character in 1934 and introduced it to readers through his comic Mickey and friends.

It is pretty simple to draw a Donald Duck. This time I bought a magnetic board to draw so that it would be clear for you. I will try to explain more with the pictures rather than explanation because you will see that we can draw it in 6 simple steps.

Always draw the eyes first, I am going to draw Donald's face turned a bit towards left.Next comes the beak, draw simple connecting curved lines as shown below to complete the upper part of beak.and then...Simple! right? Now let us complete the lower part...Now, lets draw the eyebrows and the head part...
Next comes the cap and little touchup completes Donald's face...It comes out really well on a paper. Next post will be on how to draw a full picture of Donald and paint it.

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